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 Θέμα δημοσίευσης: Re: Ορατός ο κίνδυνος χρηματιστηριακής κατάρρευσης των τραπεζών
ΔημοσίευσηΔημοσιεύτηκε: Παρ Φεβ 05, 2010 10:56 pm 
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Άβαταρ μέλους

Εγγραφή: Τρί Απρ 07, 2009 12:42 am
Δημοσιεύσεις: 784
Να είσαι καλά Αχιλλέα...σε λίγο θα είχα το ίδιο karma με τον Ανδρέα! :oops:

Λες και κάτι είπα! Δηλαδή τι να πω? Oτι δεν είναι παιχνίδια, αλλα είναι όντως εξαιτίας κάποιου προβλήματος που υπήρχε και ξαφνικά το ανακάλυψαν?

Ήταν κρυμμένο και τώρα το βρήκαν? :o

Ο σημερινός πανικός ανά τον κόσμο ήταν από τις μεγαλύτερες απάτες που έχουν δει τα ματια μου!

Δηλαδή τι θέλουν να μας πούνε? Ότι εγώ πρέπει να τους δώσω τα χαρτιά μου τσάμπα γιατί οι οικονομίες τις ευρωπαϊκής ένωσης θα καταρρεύσουν?

Πέρσι τον Μάρτη δεν τελειωσε ο κόσμος? Πάλι τα ίδια φέτος? Καλά δούλεψε το κόλπο πέρσι, έτσι δεν είναι?

Κάπως σαν τα 20 εκατομμύρια που θα πέθαιναν στην Aγγλία από την γρίπη των Χοίρων μου ακούγεται...

Το millenioum bag - ιός του 2000? Μέχρι και τα video χάλασαν!

Το BSE - τρελες αγελάδες? Ποσα εκατομμύρια θα σκότωνε? 1 στους 3 αν θυμάμαι καλά...

Τα όπλα μαζικής καταστροφής στο IRAQ τα βρήκαν? Μήπως τα έστειλε ο Σαντάμ στο IRAN?

A ναι και η Ρωσία φαλίρισε...αλλα μετά από 10 χρονια η Μόσχα έγινε η πιο ακριβή πρωτεύουσα του κόσμου!

Η Αργεντινή πως πάει αλήθεια? Τέλεια πάει τώρα e?

Έχω βαρεθεί τα παραμυθια τους. Αλίμονο στον κοσμάκη που τα πιστεύει.


 Θέμα δημοσίευσης: Re: Ορατός ο κίνδυνος χρηματιστηριακής κατάρρευσης των τραπεζών
ΔημοσίευσηΔημοσιεύτηκε: Παρ Φεβ 05, 2010 11:09 pm 
Χωρίς σύνδεση
Άβαταρ μέλους

Εγγραφή: Τρί Απρ 07, 2009 12:42 am
Δημοσιεύσεις: 784
A και το πιο αστείο από όλα...Μας λένε να πάμε στο ΔΝΤ να πάρουμε τα Αμερικανικα δολάρια που τυπώνουνε όσα θέλουν...

Η ευρώπη που δεν τυπώνει χρήμα έχει πρόβλημα, η Αμερική πως να έχει? Με τόσο χτήμα που τυπώνεται τους βγαίνει από τα αφτιά...πάρτε κόσμε να έχετε λένε...Η Αμερική δεν έχει πρόβλημα. Εκεί μόλις γύρισε θετική η αγορά! Ελάτε στο ΔΝΤ να σας σώσουμε όλους. Έχουμε δολάρια για όλους. Μονο χαρτί δεν έχουμε γιατί έχει αρχίσει να τελειώνει!

Πουλάτε τα euro σας και πάρτε δολάρια!

 Θέμα δημοσίευσης: Re: Ορατός ο κίνδυνος χρηματιστηριακής κατάρρευσης των τραπεζών
ΔημοσίευσηΔημοσιεύτηκε: Παρ Φεβ 05, 2010 11:17 pm 
Χωρίς σύνδεση
Άβαταρ μέλους

Εγγραφή: Τρί Απρ 07, 2009 12:42 am
Δημοσιεύσεις: 784
A και ένα τελευταίο...ο Trichet πρέπει να φύγει εδώ και τώρα. Ο άνθρωπος δεν είναι απλά ηλίθιος, είναι κινητή καταστροφή! Γιατί δεν έχει απολυθεί ακόμα δεν το καταλαβαίνω!

Αυτός ανέβαζε τα επιτόκια όταν βουλιάζαμε και φοβόταν για πληθωρισμό!

Τώρα ξεκίνησε πάλι άλλες ηλιθιότητες. Δεν πάει άλλο με αυτό τον τύπο. Η θα φύγει, η θα γελάει ο κόσμος με την Ευρώπη.

 Θέμα δημοσίευσης: Re: Ορατός ο κίνδυνος χρηματιστηριακής κατάρρευσης των τραπεζών
ΔημοσίευσηΔημοσιεύτηκε: Παρ Φεβ 05, 2010 11:19 pm 
Χωρίς σύνδεση

Εγγραφή: Τρί Οκτ 27, 2009 7:22 pm
Δημοσιεύσεις: 43
Αν "σορτάρει" κανένας το karma του Χρήστου θα τον φλομώσω στο μονάστερο..... :evil:

"Εκεί που τελειώνει η λογική, αρχίζει η ALAPIS....."

 Θέμα δημοσίευσης: Re: Ορατός ο κίνδυνος χρηματιστηριακής κατάρρευσης των τραπεζών
ΔημοσίευσηΔημοσιεύτηκε: Σάβ Φεβ 06, 2010 12:35 am 
Χωρίς σύνδεση

Εγγραφή: Τετ Μάιος 06, 2009 6:13 pm
Δημοσιεύσεις: 84
Apo παραθεση στο Capital

Relax have a beer. Pull your credit cards out and let's ROCK n ROLL. Do you believe that GS the Fed the GOV spent all of last year manipulating the market to restore the CON in CONfidence...only to let it all collapse suddenly in the first of 2010?? Ask yourself if GS is going to continue to employee thousands of bankers by tanking the stock market to the depths of hell? Do you think that the President is REALLY substantively going after the big bankers. Not with both houses of congress solidly in the bankers pockets. Sorry if you think this is the big one but not gonna buy it. Not yet. You will have to to break 940 for me to swallow that load of chit.

 Θέμα δημοσίευσης: Re: Ορατός ο κίνδυνος χρηματιστηριακής κατάρρευσης των τραπεζών
ΔημοσίευσηΔημοσιεύτηκε: Σάβ Φεβ 06, 2010 2:25 am 
Χωρίς σύνδεση
Άβαταρ μέλους

Εγγραφή: Τρί Απρ 07, 2009 12:42 am
Δημοσιεύσεις: 784
5 |2 |2010 23:09
Το... γύρισε

Με θετικό πρόσημο ολοκλήρωσαν τη συνεδρίαση εν τέλει οι δείκτες στη Wall Street καθώς το δολάριο περιόρισε τα κέρδη του και εξανεμίστηκε μέρος των πιέσεων, με τις μετοχές του τεχνολογικού κλάδου να δείχνουν το δρόμο, μετά από τρεις ημέρες απωλειών.

Ο Dow Jones έκλεισε με άνοδο 0,10% στις 10.012,23 μονάδες, ο Nasdaq κατέγραψε άνοδο 0,74% στις 2.141,12 μονάδες, ενώ ο S&P διαμορφώθηκε στις 1.066,18 μονάδες με άνοδο 0,29%.

Αναλυτές σχολιάζουν πως μετά από το δραματικό sell off των τελευταίων ημερών, δεν είναι παράξενο που παρατηρήθηκε αγοραστικό ενδιαφέρον στο τελευταίο ημίωρο της συνεδρίασης.

Οι δείκτες στη Wall Street διατηρούσαν για αρκετό μέρος της συνεδρίασης μεικτά πρόσημα, καθώς οι επενδυτές προσπαθούσαν να ισορροπήσουν τα μπερδεμένα στοιχεία για την αγορά εργασίας με τις ανησυχίες για τα χρέη.

"Αυτό που συμβαίνει είναι ότι η αγορά έχει γίνει υπερευαίσθητη σε ό,τι αφορά στις ανησυχίες για τα κρατικά χρέη. Αυτοί οι φόβοι είναι που οδηγούν τώρα αυτή τη διόρθωση", σχολιάζει ο Phil Orlando, στρατηγικός αναλυτής της Federated Investors.

 Θέμα δημοσίευσης: Re: Ορατός ο κίνδυνος χρηματιστηριακής κατάρρευσης των τραπεζών
ΔημοσίευσηΔημοσιεύτηκε: Σάβ Φεβ 06, 2010 2:49 am 
Χωρίς σύνδεση
Άβαταρ μέλους

Εγγραφή: Τρί Απρ 07, 2009 12:42 am
Δημοσιεύσεις: 784
G7 finance ministers to shiver, complain in Canada
Weekend meeting to discuss China, Greece, maybe global warming ... beforebell

 Θέμα δημοσίευσης: Re: Ορατός ο κίνδυνος χρηματιστηριακής κατάρρευσης των τραπεζών
ΔημοσίευσηΔημοσιεύτηκε: Σάβ Φεβ 06, 2010 3:10 am 
Χωρίς σύνδεση
Άβαταρ μέλους

Εγγραφή: Τρί Απρ 07, 2009 12:42 am
Δημοσιεύσεις: 784
Too late to spare Brussels’ blushes
Published: February 5 2010 02:00 | Last updated: February 5 2010 02:00

From Mr Alex Williamson.

Sir, Jean Pisani-Ferry and André Sapir say that if Greece went to the International Monetary Fund for a stand-by line it “would be felt as an admission that the eurozone is incapable of dealing with its internal problems” and “would be a blow to EU surveillance” (“The best course for Greece is to call in the Fund”, February 2). The fact that Greek credit default swap spreads and bond spreads are higher than those of Indonesia, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Hungary (already bailed out by the IMF), Romania, Bulgaria and Peru – to name but a few – suggests that it is a little late for European Union credibility-saving exercises ... ab49a.html

 Θέμα δημοσίευσης: Re: Ορατός ο κίνδυνος χρηματιστηριακής κατάρρευσης των τραπεζών
ΔημοσίευσηΔημοσιεύτηκε: Σάβ Φεβ 06, 2010 3:15 am 
Χωρίς σύνδεση
Άβαταρ μέλους

Εγγραφή: Τρί Απρ 07, 2009 12:42 am
Δημοσιεύσεις: 784
Unreformed Greece will be bailed out because it holds all the cards
Published: February 5 2010 02:00 | Last updated: February 5 2010 02:00

From Dr John Whittaker.

Sir, Nouriel Roubini and Arnab Das (“Medicine for Europe’s sinking south”, February 3) argue that the eurozone needs an agreed formal mechanism for managing sovereign debt problems. They might have added that this will not happen because it would expose the flaws of the single currency.

The European Union relies on ambiguity. It tries to maintain the aura of “solidarity” – that countries work together and help each other – while sending tough messages to Greece and the other troubled sovereigns about the limits to bail-out and the need to sort out their budgets. The tension between these opposites has caused the recent yo-yo behaviour of the default risk spread on Greek government bonds.

“Solidarity” will win because Greece holds all the cards: much of its debt is held by other EU states and by the European Central Bank as collateral; a Greek default would be contagious; and Germany needs Greece and the others to buy its exports.
Hence, the Greeks will be bailed out and while they will continue to make compliant noises about fiscal reform, sufficient actual reform is most unlikely.

Bail-out then becomes the norm and holding the euro system together will require ongoing support for the south by the north

 Θέμα δημοσίευσης: Re: Ορατός ο κίνδυνος χρηματιστηριακής κατάρρευσης των τραπεζών
ΔημοσίευσηΔημοσιεύτηκε: Σάβ Φεβ 06, 2010 10:59 pm 
Χωρίς σύνδεση
Άβαταρ μέλους

Εγγραφή: Τρί Απρ 07, 2009 12:42 am
Δημοσιεύσεις: 784
Διαβάστε εδώ να δείτε τι ηλιθιότητες γραφουν οι Άγγλοι! Ο τύπος φτάνει σε σημείο να λέει ότι άμα η Ελλάδα βγει από το euro θα πέσουν τα επιτόκια στην Ελλάδα! Επίσης λέει ότι το euro θα ήταν άσχημο για την Αγγλία! Ναι γιατί δεν θα μπορούσε η κυβέρνηση να φαλιρίσει την χωρα εσκεμμένα όπως γίνετε τώρα! Ο Brown προσπαθεί να παραδώσει καμένη γη μέχρι της εκλογές! Το δημόσιο χρέος ανέβηκε από 40% στο 80% σε χρόνο μηδέν! Αν δεν τυπώνανε λεφτά με το 15-20% δημόσιο έλλειμμα που έχουν κανένας δεν θα αγόραζε τα ομόλογα τους. Με τυπωμένα λεφτά τα αγοράζουν!

Η Eλλάδα λέει κουμαντάρετε από την Ευρώπη τώρα και αυτό είναι κακό...Ναι πριν είχαμε τους κλεφτες και τους απατεώνες τους δικούς μας να κάνουν κουμάντο. Τώρα έχουμε τους Ευρωπαίους...είναι χειρότερα! Θέλουμε τους δικούς μας!


Why the euro will fracture (and despite his mistakes, thank God Mr Brown kept us out of it)
By Peter Oborne
Last updated at 1:32 AM on 06th February 2010
Comments (59) Add to My Stories
Twenty years ago, at the height of the last recession, Britain faced many of the same terrible problems that we do today. Unemployment was mounting to record levels, economic growth had ceased and government borrowing was out of control.
Yet there was one vital difference: there was precisely nothing that the British government could do about all this because of our membership of the Exchange Rate Mechanism, the system of fixed exchange rates which was the precursor to the European single currency.
John Major, the Prime Minister, had no choice but to set his economic policies according to the demands of the ERM.

Financial divide: Gordon Brown is right to be wary of Eurocrats like Germany's Angela Merkel
This meant that he was obliged to ignore the real problems then facing Britain - the terrifying level of home repossessions, the soaring interest rates and joblessness.
At the time, all conventional wisdom was in favour of clinging to this madcap idea of the Exchange Rate Mechanism. The Tories, the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats, the Trades Union Congress and the Confederation of British Industry were passionate supporters.

More...Shares tumble and pound plummets as crisis looms for the Eurozone

It was only financial Armageddon, in the shape of Black Wednesday on September 16, 1992, that forced the Government to quit the straitjacket of the ERM - an event that thankfully allowed us to take control of our own economic policies again and set this country back on course to recovery.
Today, exactly the same problems are being faced in the eurozone, and for exactly the same reason. The governments of Greece, Portugal, Spain and a number of other European countries face terrifying levels of unemployment and public debt.
Yet they are wholly unable to confront the problems because of their membership of the single currency.
And as with Britain in the early 1990s, all the wise heads insist that the Greeks and Spanish have no choice but to stay with the euro. Jean-Claude Trichet, the arrogant governor and profoundly stupid head of the European Central Bank, believes it would be a disaster if Greece and Spain quit the euro. So does German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
So do the investment bankers Goldman Sachs, who - with what appears to be breathtaking incompetence - are trying to help the Greeks to sell government bonds. So does the Financial Times (a newspaper which, despite claiming to be expert on economics, has a long record of being 100 per cent wrong in its major economic judgment calls).
Frightening thought: If Blair had taken us into the euro we would be in the same position as Greece now
The reality is the exact opposite. The roof would not fall in if Greece and Spain pulled out of the euro. Indeed, both countries would at once start to recover.
Let us look again at what happened here in Britain in 1992. The experts warned that all hell would break loose if we pulled out of the ERM.

They told us that Britain would lose international credibility, that the country would be unable to sell government bonds, that inflation would surge ahead, and that the economy would collapse.
And then along came Black Wednesday. Rather than causing our economic collapse, it marked the start of the longest period of growth that the British economy has ever experienced because we were finally able to reduce interest rates and the value of the pound.
I have no doubt something very similar will happen to Greece the moment it bites the bullet, abandons the euro and returns to its ancient national currency, the drachma.
The Greek government will then be able to do what John Major and Ken Clarke achieved after Black Wednesday, namely manage the national economy themselves rather than take orders from Brussels.
Once out of the euro, the Greeks can quickly restore their economic competitiveness by reducing interest rates and lowering the value of the currency - just as we in Britain did after 1992.
Eventually the rules of economics dictate that this will happen, and Greece will recover. Tragically for the people of Greece, however, the process may take some time because the tiny political elite that governs Europe is utterly determined not to allow it. There is far too much at stake for the likes of Trichet, Merkel and the Brussels machine.
These eurocrats know that if Greece, Spain and Portugal pull out of the euro their cherished dream of a single European nation will die. So they will do everything they can to keep the euro intact.
Over the coming months, this will mean stripping the Greek government of all political and economic power, and insisting that all decisions which matter to that country are dictated from Brussels, Strasbourg and Frankfurt, the headquarters of the European Central Bank.
The truth is that Greece, in return for remaining in the euro, is quickly being turned from a sovereign state into an economic protectorate of the European Union.
This is an extraordinarily heartless course of action. It means utterly humiliating the government of Greece and punishing the Greek people with mass unemployment and savage public spending cuts on a scale unprecedented in their history.
We will learn over the coming years whether this brutal, authoritarian and undemocratic policy will work. My guess is that it must fail. Market forces will eject Greece from the euro, just as they threw Britain out of the ERM all those years ago on Black Wednesday.
Now, let's play a terrifying mind game. Let's imagine that Tony Blair had achieved his ambition as Prime Minister and succeeded in abolishing the pound and taking Britain into the euro. We would today be in exactly the same position as Greece.
For the past two years Gordon Brown and Chancellor Alistair Darling would have had no latitude whatsoever to conduct Britain's economic policy. We would not have been able to reduce interest rates to keep business and homeowners above water. We could never have allowed sterling to depreciate - the currency has fallen by one quarter over the past two years, making our exports far more competitive on the world market.
Unemployment would consequently be far higher than it is now, while our national deficit would be much larger than the present £200 billion. We would have been completely unable to sell our bonds on the international markets - and also unable to print money to pay our bills, as we have done through quantitative easing over the past 12 months.
Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling would now be taking direct orders from Angela Merkel and the European Central Bank, just as poor Greece is today. Our national humiliation would be complete, and British sovereignty held in worldwide contempt.
Fortunately we managed to stay out of the euro. Britain faces awesome problems in the years ahead, but at least we can face them as a self-governing nation, and not as a European protectorate.
Gordon Brown has made many mistakes as Prime Minister, but this weekend it is clearer than ever that we are all in his debt for stopping Tony Blair making the calamitous mistake of entering the euro.
Crime statistics: Chris Grayling
Lies, damned lies and a warning for CameronOne of the most invidious legacies of 12 years of New Labour is the collapse of public trust in politicians.
This has occurred in part because New Labour persistently lied to the voters, whether it was Tony Blair on Weapons of Mass Destruction ahead of the Iraq invasion, Gordon Brown repeatedly fabricating economic statistics or the day-to-day mendacity of Alastair Campbell. One of the most urgent tasks facing David Cameron if he becomes Prime Minister is to end this horrible culture of deceit.
This is why a little-noticed episode last week concerning the shadow home secretary Chris Grayling is so very troubling. Recently, Grayling sent a press release to every constituency in England and Wales apparently showing that violent crime had soared during the New Labour years in power. Unfortunately, this release was misleading because it failed to take account of the fact that Home Office methods of collecting statistics on violent crime had changed several years ago.
On Thursday, Sir Michael Scholar, the austere and fair-minded former Whitehall permanent secretary who now heads the UK Statistical Authority, issued a stern rebuke to Grayling, warning that his press release seems 'likely to mislead the public'. The correct reaction from Chris Grayling would have been to throw up his hands at once, admit that he had made an error, and apologise.
Sadly, Grayling has not done this. Indeed, he is unrepentant and has pledged to carry on using his misleading statistics in defiance of Sir Michael's warning.
It is impossible to overstate how depressing this episode is, especially for someone like me who very much hopes that David Cameron will become the next Prime Minister.
If Cameron is prepared to allow one of his most senior spokesmen to use the same seedy tactics of spin and deception as Tony Blair and Gordon Brown did, he does not deserve to enter Downing Street. Cameron must slap down Grayling at once, or he will surrender his own reputation as a man of integrity.

Read more: ... z0en7LH1jO

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